Neom Geospatial Infrastructure
NEOM Geospatial Data and GIS Project (60,000 km )
The Neom Geospatial Infrastructure (PIF) Project, which operated from 2020 to 2023, included a wide range of activities and outcomes. It began with thorough system design and data collecting, providing the basis for accurate geospatial work. The establishment of CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) improved location accuracy even more. Mapping activities ranged from 1/20.000 scale assessments that included orthophoto, Land Use/Land Cover, and Wadi data to 1/25.000 scale mapping that included orthophoto, 2-meter contouring, and cadastral surveys. The scope of the project was expanded to include 1/100.000 scale mapping of Orthophoto, Land Grants, Subdivisions, Farms, and Cadastral Surveys. The project also included the creation of a geodatabase, GIS/LIS, and a geoportal to help with efficient data management and access. In summary, the Neom Geospatial Infrastructure (PIF) Project exemplified geospatial technology excellence and played a critical role in advancing the region's development.